6 Mar

Bank of Canada maintains policy rate, continues quantitative tightening


Posted by: Michele Quinn

The Bank of Canada today held its target for the overnight rate at 5%, with the Bank Rate at 5¼% and the deposit rate at 5%. The Bank is continuing its policy of quantitative tightening.

Global economic growth slowed in the fourth quarter. US GDP growth also slowed but remained surprisingly robust and broad-based, with solid contributions from consumption and exports. Euro area economic growth was flat at the end of the year after contracting in the third quarter. Inflation in the United States and the euro area continued to ease. Bond yields have increased since January while corporate credit spreads have narrowed. Equity markets have risen sharply. Global oil prices are slightly higher than what was assumed in the January Monetary Policy Report (MPR).

In Canada, the economy grew in the fourth quarter by more than expected, although the pace remained weak and below potential. Real GDP expanded by 1% after contracting 0.5% in the third quarter. Consumption was up a modest 1%, and final domestic demand contracted with a large decline in business investment. A strong increase in exports boosted growth. Employment continues to grow more slowly than the population, and there are now some signs that wage pressures may be easing. Overall, the data point to an economy in modest excess supply.

CPI inflation eased to 2.9% in January, as goods price inflation moderated further. Shelter price inflation remains elevated and is the biggest contributor to inflation. Underlying inflationary pressures persist: year-over-year and three-month measures of core inflation are in the 3% to 3.5% range, and the share of CPI components growing above 3% declined but is still above the historical average. The Bank continues to expect inflation to remain close to 3% during the first half of this year before gradually easing.

Governing Council decided to hold the policy rate at 5% and to continue to normalize the Bank’s balance sheet. The Council is still concerned about risks to the outlook for inflation, particularly the persistence in underlying inflation. Governing Council wants to see further and sustained easing in core inflation and continues to focus on the balance between demand and supply in the economy, inflation expectations, wage growth, and corporate pricing behaviour. The Bank remains resolute in its commitment to restoring price stability for Canadians.

21 Feb

Amortization Options.


Posted by: Michele Quinn

Your mortgage amortization period is the number of years it will take you to pay off your mortgage. Depending on your choice of amortization period, it will affect how quickly you become mortgage-free as well as how much interest you pay over the lifetime of your mortgage (a longer lifetime equals more interest, whereas a shorter lifetime equals less interest but also bigger payments).

Amortization Benchmarks
Let’s start by looking at the mortgage industry benchmark amortization period. This is typically a 25-year period and is the standard that is used by the majority of lenders when it comes to discussing mortgage products. It is also typically the basis for standard mortgage calculators. While this is the standard, it is not the only option when it comes to your mortgage amortization. Mortgage amortizations can be as short as 5 years and as long as 35 years!

Benefits of a Shorter Amortization
Opting for a shorter amortization period will result in paying less interest overall during the life of your mortgage. Choosing this amortization schedule means you will also become mortgage-free faster and have access to your home equity sooner! However, if you choose to pay off your mortgage over a shorter time frame, you will have higher payments per month. If your income is irregular, you are at the maximum end of your monthly budget or this is your first home, you may not benefit from a shorter amortization and having more cash flow tied up in your monthly mortgage payments.

Benefits of a Longer Amortization
When it comes to choosing a longer amortization period, there are still advantages. The first is that you have smaller monthly mortgage payments, which can make home ownership less daunting for first-time buyers as well as free up additional monthly cash flow for other bills or endeavors. A longer amortization also has its advantages when it comes to buying a home as choosing a longer amortization period can often get you into your dream home sooner, due to utilizing standard mortgage payments versus accelerated. In some cases, with your payments happening over a larger period, you may also qualify for a slightly higher value mortgage than a shorter amortization depending on your situation.

Let’s Chat!
We would be happy to help with the decision for the amortization that best suits your unique requirements and ensures you have adequate cash flow. However, it is important to mention that you are not stuck with the amortization schedule you choose at the time you get your mortgage. You can shorten or lengthen your amortization, as well as consider making extra payments on your mortgage (if you set up pre-payment options), at a later date.

Ideally, you are re-evaluating your mortgage at renewal time (every 3, 5, or 10 years depending on your mortgage product). During renewal is a great time to review your amortization and payment schedules or make changes if they are no longer working for you.

12 Feb

2023 DLC Awards


Posted by: Michele Quinn

A huge thank you goes out to all of my clients that supported me in 2023.  These awards would not be possible without you.  I truly appreciate each of everyone of you.  THANK YOU!!

7 Feb

Making Your Home Workspace More Productive.


Posted by: Michele Quinn

Fall in love with your home and your workspace again with these tips to help you make your home office space more productive!

  1. Establish Boundaries: A key component of being more productive at home is to establish proper boundaries between work and personal life. While not all of us at home have space for a dedicated home office, it helps to create a dedicated area in your house such as your kitchen table. In addition to having a dedicated physical space to create boundaries, establishing when it is time to focus on work versus switching off for the day is key. Establishing norms such as time and location can make a big difference in ensuring productivity, but ensure you have discussed with your manager and/or team about when communication is expected.
  2. Create a Routine: This is especially important for individuals who are used to an office setting and whose mornings would consist of showering, breakfast and commuting. When the commute is off the table, it is just as important to maintain a good morning routine – even if you have the option of more flexible hours. Determine what works best for you to keep you focused and engaged and maintain that routine throughout the week.
  1. Declutter: When working at home, you no longer have to account for just your immediate space but the general environment as well. It can be distracting to try and work at the kitchen table when your sink is a mess or the carpet needs vacuuming. Be sure to keep your house as decluttered and tidy as possible to prevent mid-day distractions and to clear your mind to better focus on work-related tasks.
  1. Take Breaks: When working in an office, you’ll often be reminded to take your lunch break when the rest of your colleagues are headed out for theirs. At home, it can be a little more difficult to maintain your lunch hour – or take breaks at all! And when we do, often these breaks are little more than scrolling through social media. While taking breaks is vital, a productive break is even more so. Consider reading relevant articles to give you some inspiration, making a home cooked meal or even taking a walk around your block for a more restful break.
  2. Upgrade Your Equipment: Whether you’re currently working in an old wooden kitchen chair or lack proper wrist support, a big step towards being more productive at home is upgrading your equipment. If you’re going to be sitting all day, investing in a comfortable, supportive desk chair that won’t leave you feeling achy will make a huge difference! Also, make sure you have enough desk space to be able to work comfortably and include ergonomic support where applicable for an even more comfortable (and productive!) work-at-home experience
1 Feb

Estate Planning: Are You Covered?.


Posted by: Michele Quinn

“New Year, new you” may be a cliché but it is for a reason! The New Year always has us thinking about where we are now, and where we want to end up. When it comes to your personal goals, a review of your finances and estate should be at the top of your list. Proper estate planning can ensure that you have a stress-free year knowing you are covered!

Is your will up-to-date?

The purpose of a will is to outline your assets and determine how they will be distributed, as well as who will be in charge of managing affairs. Some key components to include in this document are:

  • Up-to-date list of your significant assets; note the location if outside your province or outside Canada.
  • Who will inherit your assets? And which?
  • Outline of where you want assets to pass outside your estate to avoid probate fees (e.g., an insurance policy, an RRSP)? Do this via beneficiary designation.
    • If they are minors, do you have a trust or other provisions in place?
  • Is the list of beneficiaries in your will up to date? Have there been recent births, deaths or marriages in your family?
  • Have you included alternates in case your named beneficiaries predecease you?
  • Do you want to give to charities or other organizations?
  • If you have children, have you indicated a guardian and spoken to them?
    • Did you include an alternate in case the guardian you chose is unable to commit?
    • Have you reviewed your choice of guardian as your child grows older?
  • Your executor who will carry out your wishes after you die. You can name one executor or two or more co-executors. Be sure to name one or more alternates as well.

Have you assigned a power of attorney?

Another important (and often overlooked!) aspect of estate planning involves naming a power of attorney. This individual is someone you trust to make decisions for you should you become unable to do so due to injury or illness, whether temporary or otherwise.  Power of attorney documents are created for you by a wills and estates lawyer (or notary in Quebec) as part of your estate plan.

Do you have mortgage protection insurance?

Through Manulife Mortgage Protection Plan (MPP), you have the opportunity to add a portableinsurance policy to your mortgage that helps protect your loved ones and your home should something unexpected happen to you.  Unlike bank insurance, MPP is a portable life and disability product that you can take with you, from lender to lender and property to property.  This gives you the utmost future flexibility and is unlike bank insurance products which tie you down exclusively to them.  To ensure you get the best rate at renewal, you must have invested in an insurance product like MPP that will give you the freedom to move!

Mortgage life insurance will protect your family’s future by paying out your mortgage should the mortgage holder pass away. Manulife will also make your mortgage payments while your claim is being adjudicated, so there is no added stress for a loved one at an already difficult time.  Mortgage disability insurance will take care of your mortgage payments plus property taxes if you become disabled.  Disabilities from sickness and accidents are relatively common and will affect 1 in 3 borrowers throughout their mortgage amortization.  Manulife provides budget-friendly payment options, the ability to top-up your coverage and so much more.

These are all important aspects to consider to ensure your estate and family will be provided for should something happen. While never a fun topic, it is an important one and the better prepared you are, the better off your loved ones will be.

24 Jan

Self-Employed and Seeking a Mortgage.


Posted by: Michele Quinn

Approximately 20% of Canadians are self-employed, making this an important segment in the mortgage and financing space. When it comes to self-employed individuals seeking a mortgage, there are some key things to note as this process can differ from the standard mortgage.

Qualifying for a Mortgage

In order to obtain a mortgage as a self-employed individual, most lenders require personal tax Notices of Assessment and respective T1 generals be included with the mortgage application for the previous two years. Typically, individuals who can provide this proof of income – and with acceptable income levels – have little issue obtaining a mortgage product and rates available to the traditional borrower.

Self-Employed Categories

  1. For those self-employed individuals who cannot provide the Revenue Canada documents, you will be required to put down 20% and may have higher interest rates.
  2. If you can provide the tax documents and don’t have enough stated income, due to write-offs, then you have to do a minimum of 10% down with standard interest rates.
    1. If you are able to put down less than 20% down payment when relying on stated income, the default insurance premiums are higher.
  3. If you can provide the tax documents, and you have high enough income, then there are no restrictions.

Documentation Requirements

For those individuals who are self-employed, you must provide the following, in addition to your standard documentation:

  • For incorporated businesses – two years of accountant prepared financial statements (Income Statement and Balance Sheet)
  • Two most recent years of Personal NOAs (Notice of Assessments) and tax returns
  • Potentially 6-12 months of business bank statements
  • Confirmation that HST/Source Deductions are current

Calculating Income

When it comes to calculating income for a self-employed application, lenders will either take an average of two years’ income or your most recent annual income if it’s lower.

If you’re self-employed and looking to qualify for a mortgage, or simply have, reach out to me today! We can work with you to ensure you have the necessary documentation, talk about your options and obtain a pre-approval to help you understand how much you qualify for.

17 Jan

Pantone of the Year.


Posted by: Michele Quinn

As we enter the New Year, it’s always fun to reflect on the previous twelve months and take a look at what is trending as we move forward.

If you’re unfamiliar with the Pantone of the Year, it is more than just a colour to paint your walls. Since 2000, the Pantone Colour Institute has been indicating a colour of the year and, for many, this is seen as a representation of the current moment in time helping us to reflect on the culture and state of the world. Think of it like a snapshot in time!

For 2024, the Pantone color of the year is “Peach Fuzz”; which is notably a warm and cozy hue to feed and nourish the soul.

During this post-pandemic period of turmoil around the economy, mortgage industry, and housing market, many of us are currently in need of more nurturing and comfort. This colour signifies the importance of caring and community even more as we enter 2024.

As the calendar turns over, take inspiration from Pantone to make the New Year one of comfort, healing and peace for yourself and those around you. With interest rates forecasted to drop towards the later half of 2024, housing and job markets set to stabilize and inflation slowly reducing to normal, we have some stability to look forward to.

To ensure you can make 2024 as comfortable as possible, don’t hesitate to reach out to a DLC Mortgage Expert for advice. Managing your finances can be a great way to reduce stress and leave time for more important things! Renewals are on the rise, and this can be a great opportunity for you to rebalance your mortgage contract, review your interest rate and terms, and update your payment schedule to make the most of your monthly cashflow.

15 Jan

10 “Must Know” Credit Score Facts


Posted by: Michele Quinn

If you are in the market for a home or a new car, you are probably very familiar with your credit score. Lenders are one of the primary users of credit scores and it can have a huge impact on whether you get approved for a loan and just how much interest it is going to cost you. What isn’t well known about credit scores is where they come from, what makes them go up (or down!) and who else besides potential lenders uses them to make decisions? Your credit score is going to be with you for life, so why not take a couple of minutes to get the facts.

  1. There are two credit-reporting agencies in Canada: Equifax and TransUnion. Your credit score may vary between the two. Lenders may check one or both agencies when you apply for credit.
  2. Your credit score is actually derived from the data in your credit report — which can be had for free once per year from Equifax and TransUnion. Some banks, credit unions, and other financial services companies provide your credit score for free as part of their services.
  3. Credit scores range between 300 and 900 with the Canadian average being 650.
  4. Your credit score is used for a lot more than just borrowing money; insurance companies, mobile phone providers, car leasing companies, landlords and employers may all require your credit score to make decisions.
  5. Five factors affect your credit score: length of credit history, credit utilization or how much of your limit you have used, the mix/types of credit you hold, the frequency you apply for credit, your payment history.
  6. Mistakes and omissions are not uncommon and is a good idea to check the details of your credit report. Both agencies have a process to report errors and get them corrected.
  7. Credit scores of 700+ are considered “good” and offer a higher chance of loan approval, greater borrowing limits, and lower or “preferred” interest rates and insurance premiums.
  8. Credit scores are continuously evaluated and adjusted. If you have “errored” in your past, the damage is not permanent! Your score can be raised/rebuilt by using credit responsibly (see #10).
  9. Checking your credit score regularly is a good idea and will help detect errors, monitor improvements, and identify fraud. This is a “soft” enquiry and will not affect your score.
  10. To increase your credit score: make payments on time, pay the full amount owing, use 35% or less of your available credit, hold a variety of credit types, apply for new credit sparingly.

Don’t make the mistake of ignoring your credit score. Even if you aren’t looking to borrow money anytime soon, there are a lot of reasons to keep an eye on it.

8 Jan

Mortgage Types 101


Posted by: Michele Quinn

Mortgage Types 101.

Get to know the important basics before you choose your mortgage.

You have to be sure you select what is most important to you – lower rates or flexibility. Before you choose a mortgage, take some time to study mortgage types:

Closed Mortgage: If you want consistency with respect to rates and the length of your mortgage agreement, a closed mortgage is best for you. Interest rates are typically lower (and do not change with the length of the term). However, a closed mortgage does not offer much flexibility in paying off your mortgage sooner – with the exception of a once-a-year lump sum payment up to 20% of your entire mortgage.

  • Predictability and consistency with respect to payment amount
  • Often comes with lower interest rates
  • Limited flexibility with paying down the mortgage faster
  • Cannot change interest rate during the term of mortgage

Convertible Mortgage: Want the best of both worlds? Then consider a convertible mortgage. Convertible mortgages are flexible yet offer minimal risk. Often with a lower interest rate than an open mortgage, convertible mortgages provide the opportunity to switch to a longer-term closed mortgage without penalty.

  • Provides an opportunity to take advantage of lower interest rates and switch to a closed rate without penalty
  • Offers lower interest rates than an open mortgage

Open Mortgage: If you are looking for flexibility with regard to paying off your mortgage, consider an open mortgage. No penalty is incurred if you decide to make lump sump payments or pay off your mortgage before the term expires; however, this flexibility comes often with a higher interest rate – which can result in higher monthly payments.

  • Maximum flexibility; no penalty for making lump sum payments or paying off your entire mortgage before the term expires
  • Higher interest rate
  • Best for those looking to pay off their mortgage as soon as possible

Still not sure which type of mortgage is best for you? Contact a DLC Mortgage Expert today!

13 Dec

Mortgage Renewal Benefits


Posted by: Michele Quinn


Mortgage Renewal Benefits.

Is your mortgage coming up for renewal? Do you know about all the incredible options renewing your mortgage can afford you? If not, we have all the details here on how to make your mortgage renewal work for you as we start to think about 2024.

Get a Better Rate

Are you aware that when you receive notice that your mortgage is coming up for renewal, this is the best time to shop around for a more favourable interest rate? At renewal time, it is easy to shop around or switch lenders for a preferable interest rate as it doesn’t break your mortgage. With interest rates expected to come down as we move into the New Year, taking some time to reach out to me and shopping the market could help save you money!

Consolidate Debt

Renewal time is also a great time to take a look at your existing debt and determine whether or not you want to consolidate it onto your mortgage. For some, this means consolidating your holiday credit card debt into your mortgage, for others it could be car loans, education, etc. Regardless of the type of debt, consolidating into your mortgage allows for one easy payment instead of juggling multiple loans. Plus, in most cases, the interest rate on your mortgage is less than you would be charged with credit card companies.

Start on that Reno

Do you have projects around the house you’ve been dying to get started on? Renewal time is a great opportunity for you to look at utilizing some of your home equity to help with home renovations so you can finally have that dream kitchen, updated bathroom, OR you can even utilize it to purchase a vacation property!

Change Your Mortgage Product

Are you not happy with your existing mortgage product? Perhaps you’re finding that your variable-rate or adjustable-rate mortgages are fluctuating too much and you want to lock in! Alternatively, maybe you want to switch to variable as interest rates start to level out. You can also utilize your renewal time to take advantage of a different payment or amortization schedule to help pay off your mortgage faster!

Change Your Lender

Not happy with your current lender? Perhaps a different bank has a lower rate or a mortgage product with terms that better suit your needs. A mortgage renewal is a great time to switch to a different bank or credit union to ensure that you are getting the value you want out of your mortgage if you are finding that your needs are not currently being met.

Regardless of how you feel about your current mortgage and what changes you may want to make, if your mortgage is coming up for renewal or is ready for renewal, please don’t hesitate to reach out to a DLC Mortgage Expert today! We’d be happy to discuss your situation and review any changes that would be beneficial for you to reach your goals; from shopping for new rates or utilizing that equity! Plus, we can help you find the best option for where you are at in your life now and help you to ensure future financial success.